Padma River

Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Padma River
The Padma is one of the biggest rivers in Bangladesh. When the Ganges enters Bangladesh at Rajshahi, it takes the new name of the Padma. It meets the Brahmaputra at Goalanda and flows as the Padma to Chandpur where it merges with the Meghna. It is 120 km long and 4 to 8 km wide. Rajshahi city is situated on the bank of the Padma. After the construction of Farakka Barrage on the Ganges in West Bengal, the flow of the Padma has reduced greatly. Country the longest bridge of6.15 km on the Padma is under construction. In the upstream Hardinge Bridge also crosses the Padma. The Padma is also famous for its Hilsha fish which is considered most tasteful.

How To Go
Padma river can be visited from Pabna District, Kushtia District & Rajshahi District.

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